Multiprocessor and multicomputer are types of parallel computers. The fundamental difference between them is that a multiprocessor is a solitary computer containing several processors interconnected with the common computing resources such as memory and I/O devices. On the contrary, the multicomputer is constructed by interconnecting multiple autonomous computers through a network and each autonomous system has its own computing resource. Content: Multiprocessor Vs Multicomputer … [Read more...]
Difference Between SIMD and MIMD
SIMD and MIMD are the two different types of computer organizations classified by the Michael Flynn based on the number of the data and instruction streams. The major difference between SIMD and MIMD is clear by their names only, the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data Stream) computers can carry out single instruction over multiple data streams. As against, MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Stream) computer organization can contain several instructions operating on multiple data … [Read more...]
Difference Between Decoder and Demultiplexer
Decoder and demultiplexer are the combinational logic circuits. The prior difference between decoder and demultiplexer is that the decoder is a device used to decrypt the the input streams from one format into another. On the other hand, the demultiplexer is used to route the information from one input line to any of the multiple output lines. A decoder is considered as a certain case of a demultiplexer. Furthermore, a decoder is demultiplexer without data input stream, and it contains inputs … [Read more...]
Difference Between Algorithm and Pseudocode
An algorithm is a sequence of steps which is utilized in order to solve a computational problem whereas pseudocode is nothing but a more simple form of an algorithm which involves some part of natural language to enhance the understandability of the high-level programming constructs or for making it more human-friendly. Computer programming contains an enormous part, of generating unambiguous, sequence-wise procedures for the computer to follow in order to produce particular results. … [Read more...]
Difference Between Flood-fill and Boundary-fill Algorithm
The Flood-fill and boundary-fill algorithm come under the category of area filling algorithm. The crucial differing point in these algorithms is that the flood-fill first checks whether a random pixel is having the region's original colour or not. Conversely, the boundary-fill examines for boundary pixel and it has already been filled or not. Area or region filling is a process of colouring a specific image area or region. These areas can be described based on the pixels or geometric … [Read more...]
Difference Between ZIP and RAR
There are several types of file format exists in the computer world, among them, an archive file format used to store different types of files in a single container. ZIP and RAR are the archive format mainly differ in the way that ZIP is a standard file format which is enabled by any operating system, but the RAR format needs other supplementary tools for their processing. Content: ZIP Vs RAR Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences Conclusion Comparison … [Read more...]
Difference Between Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding
The main intent of the communication system is to transfer the messages from a sender to the receiver. In this process, the signal used to transmit the information should be accordant with the properties of the transmission channel. The information coding is used to transform the message into the signal, i.e., signal information encoding where the message is encoded into codes. The prior difference between the Huffman coding and Shannon fano coding is that the Huffman coding suggests a variable … [Read more...]
Difference Between WAV and MP3
WAV and MP3 are the file formats for storing digital audio. These can be differentiated by the fact that the MP3 is the lossy and compressed type of file where some amount of information from the original audio source is discarded. On the other hand, the WAV format is an uncompressed type of audio file. The size of the WAV file is very much higher than the MP3 file. Content: WAV and MP3 Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences Conclusion Comparison … [Read more...]
Difference Between JPEG and GIF
We must have heard the terms JPEG and GIF with respect to file formats. JPEG and GIF are the file formats which provide standards compression techniques for storing photographic images and mainly differ in the representation and the storage of the images where the JPEG can support and display single full photographic image within a file while GIF is comprised of multiple images in a single file. JPEG images are opaque while GIF images are partially transparent. Content: JPEG Vs GIF … [Read more...]
Difference Between DDA and Bresenham line drawing algorithm
While drawing a line on computers they need to perform a set of computation, and it is not that simple as humans can do it in a simple way. So, in computer graphics, there are two algorithms used for drawing a line over the screen that is DDA (Digital Differential Analyser) algorithm and Bresenham algorithm. The chief difference between them is that the DDA algorithm uses floating point values while Bresenham employs integer with round off functions. Furthermore, the implementation of the DDA … [Read more...]
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