The CPU and GPU are essential devices of the embedded and electronic systems but both work for different purposes. The CPU is a microprocessor used for executing the instructions given by a program according to the operations (such as arithmetic, logic, control and input-output). Conversely, the GPU is initially devised to render images in computer games. The CPU emphasis on low-latency while in GPU the importance is given to the high throughputs. Content: CPU Vs GPU Comparison … [Read more...]
Difference Between UMA and NUMA
Multiprocessors can be divided into three shared-memory model categories- UMA (Uniform Memory Access), NUMA (Non-uniform Memory Access) and COMA (Cache-only Memory Access). The models are differentiated based on how the memory and hardware resources are distributed. In the UMA model, the physical memory is evenly shared among the processors which also have equal latency for every memory word while NUMA provides variable accessing time for the processors to access the memory. The bandwidth … [Read more...]
Difference Between PLA and PAL
PLA and PAL are types of Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) which are used to design combination logic together with sequential logic. The significant difference between the PLA and PAL is that the PLA consists of the programmable array of AND and OR gates while PAL has the programmable array of AND but a fixed array of OR gate. PLD's provides a more simple and flexible way of designing the logic circuits where the number of functions can also be increased. These are also implemented in … [Read more...]
Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Microprocessor and Microcontroller are the typical programmable electronic chips used for distinct purposes. The significant difference between them is that a microprocessor is a programmable computation engine consist of ALU, CU and registers, commonly used as a processing unit (such as CPU in computers) which can perform computations and make decisions. On the other hand, a microcontroller is a specialised microprocessor considered as "computer on a chip" as it integrates components like … [Read more...]
Difference Between Sensors and Actuators
Sensors and Actuators are essential elements of the embedded systems. These are used in several real-life applications such as flight control system in an aircraft, process control systems in nuclear reactors, power plants that require to be operated on an automated control. Sensors and Actuators mainly differ by the purpose both provide, the sensor is used to monitor the changes in the environment by using measurands while the actuator is used when along with monitoring the control is also … [Read more...]
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