Multiprocessor and multicomputer are types of parallel computers. The fundamental difference between them is that a multiprocessor is a solitary computer containing several processors interconnected with the common computing resources such as memory and I/O devices. On the contrary, the multicomputer is constructed by interconnecting multiple autonomous computers through a network and each autonomous system has its own computing resource. Content: Multiprocessor Vs Multicomputer … [Read more...]
Difference Between SIMD and MIMD
SIMD and MIMD are the two different types of computer organizations classified by the Michael Flynn based on the number of the data and instruction streams. The major difference between SIMD and MIMD is clear by their names only, the SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data Stream) computers can carry out single instruction over multiple data streams. As against, MIMD (Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Stream) computer organization can contain several instructions operating on multiple data … [Read more...]
Difference Between Decoder and Demultiplexer
Decoder and demultiplexer are the combinational logic circuits. The prior difference between decoder and demultiplexer is that the decoder is a device used to decrypt the the input streams from one format into another. On the other hand, the demultiplexer is used to route the information from one input line to any of the multiple output lines. A decoder is considered as a certain case of a demultiplexer. Furthermore, a decoder is demultiplexer without data input stream, and it contains inputs … [Read more...]
Difference Between CRT and LCD
CRT and LCD are the types of display devices where CRT is used as conventional display devices whereas LCD is more recent technology. These are mainly differentiated based on the material they are constructed from and working mechanism, however, both are supposed to perform the same function of providing a visual form of electronic media. Here, the crucial operational difference is that the CRT integrates the two processes light generation and light modulation and it is also managed by a single … [Read more...]
Difference Between Raster Scan and Random Scan
Raster scan and random scan are the mechanisms used in displays for rendering the picture of an object on the screen of the monitor. The main difference between raster scan and random scan lies in the drawing of a picture where the raster scan points the electron beam at the entire screen but incorporating just one line at a time in the downward direction. On the other hand, in the random scan, the electron beam is guided on just those regions of the screen where the picture actually … [Read more...]
Difference Between Combinational and Sequential Circuit
The crucial difference between combinational and sequential circuit is that combinational circuit result only relies on the input present at that instant while in the sequential circuit the output of the logic not just depends on the latest input but also on the earlier outputs. There is no feedback is provided to the combinational logic circuit but when it comes to the sequential logic circuit the feedback is the essential part of the circuit. So, the output generated considers both the present … [Read more...]
Difference Between SIMM and DIMM
The SIMM and DIMM memory modules were invented to eliminate the older DIP (Dual Inline Package) chips. The DIP chips were delicate, and it is harder to install them as they needed to be poked in the socket. The pins of the chip are easily misaligned in the socket and tend to bend. So, when these chips are removed from the sockets, they require to be straightened which can result in the damaging of the chips and make it unusable. Then the SIMM and DIMM modules were devised which does not need to … [Read more...]
Difference Between SATA and PATA
SATA and PATA are the versions of ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) which describes the physical, transport, and command protocols for attaching the storage devices to the host systems internally. The prior difference between SATA and PATA is that the SATA is later technology which is fast, more efficient and small in size relative to PATA an earlier technology. The Parallel ATA has various limitations related to signal period, integrity and electromagnetic interference. Content: SATA Vs … [Read more...]
Difference Between DDR2 and DDR3
DDR2 and DDR3 are the versions of DDR RAM memory in which DDR3 is a more advanced version and is enabled with more capabilities like high data transfer speed, low power consumption, memory reset options, more memory, etcetera. But the main difference lies within the data rate where DDR3 provides twice of the speed provided by DDR2. With the advancement in technology, the faster versions of memories were also developed such as DDR (Double Data Rate) memories. The main concept behind the DDR … [Read more...]
Difference Between Hub and Bridge
The crucial difference between the hub and bridge is that the hub works on the physical layer, but the bridge operates on the data link layer of the OSI model. Both hub and bridge serve the different purpose. A hub transmits the data to each device connected to it, it broadcasts the data. On the other hand, a bridge is more intelligent which checks and filter data before forwarding it, this mechanism significantly reduce the network traffic and improve security. Hub connects two LAN segments … [Read more...]