The smoke and sanity testing are techniques work as a part of the integration and regression testing respectively. The significant difference between the smoke and sanity testing is that the smoke test is employed in the unstable product while the sanity testing is applied to the more stable products. The smoke testing can be said to be shallow testing as it just tests for the vital requisite, but sanity testing examines each of the modules of the software at the end, for checking whether the … [Read more...]
Difference Between Verification and Validation
The Verification and Validation are the terms usually used in the context of the software. The verification and validation can be distinguished by the fact that software verification is a process of the checking the design outputs and comparing it with the specified software requirements. On the contrary, software validation is the process of examining the software specifications against the user needs. In a broad way, these activities complete each other and are a part of the Software … [Read more...]
Difference Between Unit Testing and System Testing
The unit testing and system testing are the interdependent activities of the software testing. Unit testing is the method of testing various isolated software components separately. But when it comes to system testing, it is the technique in which the entire system is exercised with a series of the different tests. In the software testing process, the unit testing is situated in the innermost part of the spiral, on the other hand, system testing is shown in the outermost part of the … [Read more...]
Difference Between CAD and CAM
CAD (Computer Aided Drawing/Drafting) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) are computer technologies used for mainly product designing and manufacturing purposes where former is used in designing of the product through some designing software while latter involves software for controlling the machines in the industries such as CNC machines. CAD and CAM are the steps included in the manufacturing of a product. Let us understand the difference between CAD and CAM through the given comparison … [Read more...]
Difference Between RISC and CISC
RISC and CISC are the characterizations of computer instruction sets which is a part of computer architecture; they differ in complexity, instruction and data formats, addressing modes, registers, opcode specifications, and flow control mechanisms, etc. When a machine is programmed, the programmer uses some particular primitive commands or machine instruction these are generally known as instruction set of a computer. Content: RISC Vs CISC Comparison Chart Definition Key … [Read more...]