URL expands to Uniform Resource Locator which is used for identifying a resource, and it is a subset of URI. URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) offers more simple and extendable way of identifying a resource. The URL and URI can be differentiated with the fact that URI can represent the URL and the URN of the resource at the same time, but URL just can specify the address of the resource. URI is more common term as compared to URL and URN which are more limited in a sense. Content: URL Vs … [Read more...]
Difference Between Web page and Website
Web page and Website are relevant but distinct words. A web page can be considered as a single entity whereas a website is a combination of web pages. Web pages are accessed through a browser while in website HTTP, and DNS protocols are used to access it. Web pages have the navigational links to connect a web page to another on the website. The content in a website changes according to the web page while a web page contains more specific information. Content: Web page Vs Website … [Read more...]
Difference Between SEO and SEM
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are valuable, powerful business tools seem to be similar as both are geared towards generating traffic to the website, but when we look the terms deeply these are absolutely different traffic generation method. The major difference between SEO and SEM is that SEO emphasises on improving a website in order to enhance its organic search engine rankings. Furthermore, SEO is a primary organic ranking strategy behind SEM. In … [Read more...]
Difference Between Phishing and Spoofing
Phishing and Spoofing are the types of attacks that often used in a similar sense. The prior difference between phishing and spoofing is that in phishing the scammer tries to trick the victim with an intent to steal the confidential details resulting in financial gain. On the other hand, spoofing doesn't always involve financial gain, but the forging is similar. Content: Phishing Vs Spoofing Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences Conclusion Comparison … [Read more...]
Difference Between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
A Digital signature is a kind of Electronic signature, but are distinct. Digital Signature is more secure and tamper-evident, which encrypt the document and permanently embed the information in it if a user tries to commit any changes in the document then the digital signature will be invalidated. On the other hand, an Electronic Signature is similar to digitalized handwritten signature verified with the signer's identity such as email, corporate ID's, phone PIN etcetera. Conventionally … [Read more...]
Difference Between Web server and Application server
A server is a central repository where data and computer programs are stored and accessed by the clients in the network. Web server and Application server are types of the server where former is used to deliver web pages, and the latter deals with application operations performed between users and back-end business applications of the organization. A Web Server is a program that accepts requests for information and sends the required documents. An application server could be a program or a … [Read more...]
Difference Between Website and Portal
Website and Portal are distinct terms, but there exists a correlation between the two. Website and portal both have a web-based interface; a website is the collection of web pages whereas a portal acts as a gateway to world wide web and provides many services. An organisation owns a website. On the other hand, A portal is user-centric which means a user can probably provide information and data. Content: Website and Portal Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences … [Read more...]
Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org
WordPress is one of the popular open source CMS (Content Management Systems) accessible, with massive users, developer and support communities. If you are new to WordPress, you have likely got confused in two versions of it: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.com is like renting the resources while WordPress.org is like buying the resources. The common difference lies in the hosting of the site or blog. WordPress.com host your site free of cost whereas WordPress.org doesn't host your … [Read more...]
Difference Between Cache and Cookies
Cache and cookies were invented to boost up website performance and to make it more accessible through storing some information on the client machine but, they perform different operations. Cache is used for storing the web page resources in a browser (client-side) in order to decrease the loading time whereas cookies are employed for storing browsing session to track the user preferences. Let us understand the difference between cache and cookies with the help of comparison chart shown … [Read more...]
Difference Between URL and Domain Name
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and Domain name are the common terms having relevance with internet or web addresses and are used interchangeably sometimes. Although these terms are absolutely dissimilar. The major difference between URL and domain name is that URL is a string that provides the information location or complete internet address of a webpage whereas domain name is a part of URL which is a more human-friendly form of an IP address. Content: URL Vs Domain Name Comparison … [Read more...]