The CPU and GPU are essential devices of the embedded and electronic systems but both work for different purposes. The CPU is a microprocessor used for executing the instructions given by a program according to the operations (such as arithmetic, logic, control and input-output). Conversely, the GPU is initially devised to render images in computer games. The CPU emphasis on low-latency while in GPU the importance is given to the high throughputs.
Content: CPU Vs GPU
Comparison Chart
Basis for comparison | CPU | GPU |
Stands for | Central Processing Unit | Graphics Processing Unit |
Focuses on | Low-latency | High throughput |
Good at | Processing serial instructions | Processing parallel instructions |
Contains | Fewer powerful cores | A lot of weaker cores |
Feature | Control logic for out-of-order and speculative executions. | Architecture is tolerant of memory latency. |
Speed | Effective | Can be higher than the CPU's. |
Memory consumption | High | Low |
Definition of CPU
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a device primarily acts as the brain for every embedded system. It consists of an ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) used to temporarily store the data and perform calculations and a CU (Control Unit) which performs instruction sequencing and branching. It also interacts to the other units of the computer such as memory, input and output, for executing the instruction from the memory this is the reason an interface is also a crucial part of the CPU. The I/O interface is sometimes included in the control unit.
It provides address, data and control signal while receives instructions, data, status signal and interrupt which is processed with the help of the system bus. A system bus is a group of various busses such as address, control and data bus. The CPU assigns more hardware unit to fast cache while low to computation, unlike GPU.
Definition of GPU
The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is a processor specifically designed for computing the graphical displays. It is typically incorporated with CPU for sharing RAM with CPU which is good for the most computing task. It is needed for the high-end graphics intensive processing. The discrete GPU unit contains its own RAM known as VRAM for video RAM. The advanced GPU system cooperatively works with the multi-core CPUs. At first, the graphics unit was introduced by the Intel and IBM in the 1980s. These cards were enabled with simple functionalities such as area filling, alteration of simple images, shape drawing and so on.
The modern graphics are capable of performing the research and analysis task, often surpassing CPUs because of its extreme parallel processing. In the GPU the several processing units are stripped together where no cache coherency exist.
Key Differences Between CPU and GPU
- In CPU’s the priority is given to the low-latency whereas the GPU is optimized for throughput where the number of calculation performed in a time interval must be high or as much as possible.
- The CPU provides more effective results when processing of serial instructions is involved. On the other hand, the GPU process parallel instructions in a more effective way.
- A CPU is comprised of less number of powerful cores. In contrast, the GPU is constructed through a large number of weak cores.
- The GPU can achieve a high speed comparative to the CPU because of its immense parallel processing.
- The CPU requires more memory for processing while comparatively, GPU needs less memory.
The gist of the content is that CPU and GPU are distinct devices and hold equal importance. The code developed for any of the devices is not compatible with the other one, and either of the devices cannot be replaced by the other one instead each device is an expedite for the available infrastructure.
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